Saturday, May 8, 2010

Twins for Breakfast

I cracked an egg this morning, and two yolks came out!!

Twins for Breakfast

Would they walk and talk the same?
Would they wonder from which egg they came?
Would they look like each other?
Would they be sister and brother?
Would they share a spiritual connection unexplained?
Would they live a life restrained?
Would they have the same thoughts and feelings?
Would they live in a hen house with low wood ceilings?
Would they have fought over who was hatched first?
Would they have fought over who was best, and worst?
Would they have grown to be the finest hens in the county?
Would they have made a farmer a bounty?
They will never grow,
And the world will never know.
But I’ll tell you one thing, without shame,
They both tasted exactly the same…
I had twins for breakfast.

1 comment:

Princess Pinche said...

Just as an FYI, almost all eggs we buy from the market are not fertilized. Chicken eggs are basically a byproduct of a chicken unless they're fertilized. :P